Fancy a Pumpkin Spice…but NOT the Starbucks Price?

Then Grab Your Moka Pot for a Homemade Delight!

Rachel Helmich, M.S.
3 min readNov 1, 2023


The author hold her pumpkin spice latter while using a mug from last year’s Chicago Christkindlmarket.

I am the cliche American who walks around with an IV drip of coffee keeping me alive and alert every day. This, of course, is due to my chronic state of under sleeping (I would say I’m working on improving that, but honestly I don’t think that will happen until I wrap up my master’s thesis this…



Rachel Helmich, M.S.

I'm Rach and I'm a horticulturist by day and a naturalist, dreamer, and forever learner by night. Find me @rachelhelmich and @avhelmbotanic on Instagram!